About us

Cold Therapy Addict

Welcome to Cold Exposure Benefits!! This website contains featured products as well as weekly blog posts about the benefits of cold therapy. If you have any questions please feel free to reach out via the contact page.  

Our Story

Just a regular Joe Schmo

I’m just a regular Joe Schmo who has found cold exposure and cold therapy very therapeutic in my life. I consistently use cold therapy to help with muscle recovery, inflammation reduction, increased attention and boost my immune system. I will be posting weekly updates on the blog page of the benefits I have seen in my life.

Just a little background about me. My Wife and I have 3 beautiful children who we love. I rock my dad bod proudly! I am in my early 30’s and have found that recovering from high intensity workouts has been increasingly more difficult the older I am. I want others to know of the benefits that I see in my day to day to life so that they can to experience these benefits.